Friday, 12 May 2017

A trip to Henry Moore Studios

This term Years Three and Four are studying the work of Henry Moore. We were fortunate to be able to visit the Henry Moore Foundation to aid our learning.

Here is some info on Henry Moore written by Jack and Lucy: 

Henry Moore was a famous British sculptor. His sculptures were mainly made out of bronze. When Henry Moore started to make his sculptured he found some of his ideas from trees, leaves and people. His ideas and sculptures made him famous and rich so he decided to show the public his work.

Last week our class went on a trip to the Henry Moore studios. We saw the real sculptures! Some of his sculptures were puzzling but we eventually figured out what they were, they were strange and amazing. Henry Moore was a great artist with a creative mind.

By Jack and Lucy 



Thursday, 30 March 2017

Learning the Ukulele

This term we have been having music lessons with Miss Vineyard who has been teaching us the Ukulele. The great thing about the Ukulele is that every child in the class has had the opportunity to learn how to play the instrument. The children have really enjoyed their lessons with Miss Vineyard.

Here they are performing one of the pieces they have learnt.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

World Book Day

World Book Day has been a much anticipated event in our class as we love any opportunity to celebrate literature.

On the day we had a whole host of characters from all kinds of literature including the Cat in the Hat, Pippi Longstocking, the BFG and Where's Wally.

However given our recent focus on Harry Potter, we also had an overwhelming number of fantastic young witches and wizards visiting us for the day from Hogwarts!

Here are some pictures of our wonderful costumes!

Friday, 24 February 2017

Science Experiments with Food.

We are currently doing some science experiments to see what happens to food when you leave it in different places. 

This is the food we have left out in the open air. Be careful not to eat it, it doesn't look too appetising does it!

Friday, 10 February 2017

                                                     Scooter Fun

This week for a  treat because it was the end of term Yr 3/4 went scooting outside in the snow .  We had a great time and we would like to share the fun time we had on our scooters.

It had been snowing for ages and we went to put our safety helmet and protect our elbows as well as our knees .  Then we ambled outside and first we scooted up and down the steep hill, until he said we could do some stunts, but most of the stunts were easy for Yr 3/4 ! Most of the stunts involved bunny hop, little man, wave, spinning our scooter and lifting one leg up !

Surprisingly, the half an hour went by and the fun came to an end for Yr 3/4 they would never forget the day.

By Fenella

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

All of key stage 2 enjoyed a trip to St Albans Abbey on Tuesday 4th October to celebrate a Harvest service. Joined by several schools in the area the singing was beautiful.

Below are several pictures taken before and during the service.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

During our Small Schools Week, all of Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a day at Phasels Wood on an 'inspire day.'

The children had a go at orienteering, testing their nerves on the cresta run, bouncing their way to lunch on aeroball, using pedal power on the bikes, and balance and co-ordination on the rotating and traverse wall.

Below are a few photographs of the day, which will hopefully show how much fun we had, even in the rain.
