Sunday, 14 June 2015

Year 3 - 4 Viking Day

On Wednesday 10th June Year 3-4 enjoyed a day of discovering more about the violent Vikings. We began by designing a shield adding the intricate detail, colours and shapes observed from various resources. 

Whilst some children continued with this half the class went to make bread. The children loved the gooey mixture. The groups swopped over so that all children had a turn at kneading the dough as well as completing the designs.

After break the serious business began of making the shields from materials such as metallic paint, silver and gold card, jewels, foil and a polysterene semi-sphere to make the boss (the metal part in the middle).

As the shields dried we then learnt about Viking writing called Runes. The children discovered that all the Viking alphabet was made with straight lines as they use a chisel or straight edge to curve the shapes.

After lunch, the children learnt that dragons were an important part of the Viking long boats. We observed, carefully and drew some magnificent dragon heads.

To complete the day, the children sat in pairs as they would on a long boat wearing their helmets and shields eating Viking stew and their bread.

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic day! Your shields and helmets look incredible. Excellent learning - well done to all. Who managed to write a sentence using Runes?

