Friday 11 December 2015

Year 3-4 celebrated a Roman Day. The children looked very smart in their costumes

Our first activity was to make a laurel wreath and know why the Romans wore them.
We then made some honey cakes and created mosaics.

Finally, we finished the day celebrating with a feast. We had treats such as figs, honey coated dormice (chicken coated honey), grapes and our homemade honey cakes.
Sonny was chosen as our emperor. He decided when we could eat or not.
A great fun day!

Wednesday 2 December 2015

On Tuesday the children continued their investigations into conductors and insulators of electricity.

On Monday the children took part in one of regular drama workshops. The focus was on expression and characterisation based on Greek myths and legends.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Today's science challenge was to try and light the light bulb. After lots of experimenting and perseverance, well done to Jack, Charlie and Harvey for being the first to succeed!

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Yesterday the children had a visit from the best selling author Billy Bob Buttons. We explored the language of myths and legends- this will help us with our writing next week.
On Tuesday the children had a great science day. Behind all the fun was lots of learning, including the separation of liquids to make a lava lamp and the reaction of an acid with bi carbonate of soda to make a bubble bomb!

Friday 23 October 2015

This week all the children from Nursery to Year 6 contributed to a whole school art project.

Julia Rigby, a talented local artist, helped the children create a giant wall hanging inspired by the local area. The children were able to learn new skills including felting, collage, working with oil pastels and weaving.

The wall hanging will be on display in the school hall after half term, please do come and have a look.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Today we had a visit from the Hindu Temple at Aldenham.

The children learnt about the origins of Hinduism, learnt how to meditate, and rein-acted the story of Rama and Sita.

Monday 5 October 2015

During our topic lesson learning how the Romans we learnt that they were such fantastic builders.

Using some books from the classroom, a piece of paper and some playmobil characters we first of learnt that this wasn't going to make a strong bridge.

We then added an arch to discover that it was so much stronger. It would now hold 6 playmobil characters.

Having discovered that an arch is a strong structure we then tried different heights and spans of bridge to find out which is the strongest.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

To enhance our learning about the Romans Year 3 -4 visited St Alban's Abbey on Friday 18th September.

Starting at the Verulamium museum car park we walked to the Hypocaust to learn how the Romans enjoyed underfloor heating as well as decorating their floors with stunning small tiles called mosaics.

We then walked through the rain to the Abbey on the hill to be met by Abbey staff.

After hanging our things up to dry the children we were shown some Roman armour. Charlie got to try on the helmet which fortunately had a soft padded cap to protect his head.

Can you spot Immy? She was holding a Roman shield.
We were then split into two groups to learn about the story behind Alban and how in Roman times he helped a Christian, and then became one himself.

Caden is the magistrate along with Charlie his slave and Jayden his soldier.

Owen looks very important as a Roman soldier.

The story carries on with several people being interviewed as to whether they have seen the Christian. Eleanor and Nancy (play rich Roman
s) Finley and Sonny (Alban) are waiting to see what the magistrate decides to do.
In our final photograph. Alban is meeting his fate even though several soldiers refused to behead him.
