Tuesday 22 September 2015

To enhance our learning about the Romans Year 3 -4 visited St Alban's Abbey on Friday 18th September.

Starting at the Verulamium museum car park we walked to the Hypocaust to learn how the Romans enjoyed underfloor heating as well as decorating their floors with stunning small tiles called mosaics.

We then walked through the rain to the Abbey on the hill to be met by Abbey staff.

After hanging our things up to dry the children we were shown some Roman armour. Charlie got to try on the helmet which fortunately had a soft padded cap to protect his head.

Can you spot Immy? She was holding a Roman shield.
We were then split into two groups to learn about the story behind Alban and how in Roman times he helped a Christian, and then became one himself.

Caden is the magistrate along with Charlie his slave and Jayden his soldier.

Owen looks very important as a Roman soldier.

The story carries on with several people being interviewed as to whether they have seen the Christian. Eleanor and Nancy (play rich Roman
s) Finley and Sonny (Alban) are waiting to see what the magistrate decides to do.
In our final photograph. Alban is meeting his fate even though several soldiers refused to behead him.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

During Collective worship today we discovered how long our Queen has been on the throne. Using paper, it took almost the whole room to show her 63 plus years of reign.

As we went through the decades we talked about significant dates too. For example, when the man landed on the moon in 1969, the Olympics in 2012 etc.

Here are some pictures of us holding the enormous timeline.
