Thursday 30 March 2017

Learning the Ukulele

This term we have been having music lessons with Miss Vineyard who has been teaching us the Ukulele. The great thing about the Ukulele is that every child in the class has had the opportunity to learn how to play the instrument. The children have really enjoyed their lessons with Miss Vineyard.

Here they are performing one of the pieces they have learnt.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

World Book Day

World Book Day has been a much anticipated event in our class as we love any opportunity to celebrate literature.

On the day we had a whole host of characters from all kinds of literature including the Cat in the Hat, Pippi Longstocking, the BFG and Where's Wally.

However given our recent focus on Harry Potter, we also had an overwhelming number of fantastic young witches and wizards visiting us for the day from Hogwarts!

Here are some pictures of our wonderful costumes!
