Tuesday 30 June 2015


Today we have been learning all about the country India.  For the first half of the morning we studied the Geography of India as well as looking at Rangoli art. 

We learnt that Rangoli are is used during the celebration of Diwali. They create beautiful patterns with rice, flour and colourings in the entrance of their homes to welcome the Goddess of Wealth into their lives. 

We also made a vegetable curry today! We cut onions, courgettes and potatoes and boiled rice. It was delicious! 

This afternoon we were learning Indian Bollywood Dancing! Ambur from Bollywood Vibes came into school to teach us Bollywood dance moves! We also wore traditional Indian Clothes to encourage us to get into the spirit! 

Sunday 14 June 2015

Year 3 - 4 Viking Day

On Wednesday 10th June Year 3-4 enjoyed a day of discovering more about the violent Vikings. We began by designing a shield adding the intricate detail, colours and shapes observed from various resources. 

Whilst some children continued with this half the class went to make bread. The children loved the gooey mixture. The groups swopped over so that all children had a turn at kneading the dough as well as completing the designs.

After break the serious business began of making the shields from materials such as metallic paint, silver and gold card, jewels, foil and a polysterene semi-sphere to make the boss (the metal part in the middle).

As the shields dried we then learnt about Viking writing called Runes. The children discovered that all the Viking alphabet was made with straight lines as they use a chisel or straight edge to curve the shapes.

After lunch, the children learnt that dragons were an important part of the Viking long boats. We observed, carefully and drew some magnificent dragon heads.

To complete the day, the children sat in pairs as they would on a long boat wearing their helmets and shields eating Viking stew and their bread.

Monday 8 June 2015

How do our eyes work?

Today for Science we were investigating how our eyes worked. We wanted to know how we saw things. 

We did a little experiment to understand what happens to our pupils to help us see. 

In partners, one of us covered our eyes, and after 10 seconds we uncovered our eyes and our partner looked at our eyes to see what happened.  We saw that our pupils got bigger or smaller depending on how much light our eyes needed. 

Then, we drew a labelled a diagram of our eyes. 

Below are some pieces of work from today's lesson. 

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Shadow puppets!

Our topic in Science is Light and shadows and today we were' discussing properties of materials to make excellent shadow puppets.

First, we looked at the different materials available and discussed their properties. We decided that to make a good shadow puppet we needed to use a material that was opaque (To block out the light) and stiff so that our puppets stood up.

Here are some pictures of us making our puppets and next week we will be creating our own shadow puppet show.
