Wednesday 28 January 2015

Year 3 – 4 had the privilege today to visit a Sikh gurdwara. Based in Hitchin, we ventured in a mini bus and two cars through the drizzle mizzle to be met by our host in a turban. We were asked to take off our shoes and cover our heads with a scarf or hat. 

Once inside, we trod on comfy carpet and entered the main hall. There we were treated to an explanation of the background and beliefs of the Sikh religion. We were also allowed to walk around the holy book – the Guru Granth Sahib as well as listen to the priest reading it. As is customary in a gurdwara, we were offered drink and a sweet. See below some of things we saw and experienced.

Thursday 22 January 2015

One of new after school activities is a Lego Club. Below are children happily making a wonderful range of creations.

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Contraction Surgery!

Today we became surgeons in English. We were finding contractions.

A contraction is when you take 2 words and put them together to make a smaller word. You also need to use an apostrophe for the letter you take out.


Can not = Can't
Would not = Wouldn't
I will = I'll

We really enjoyed our lesson because we dressed up as surgeons and cut up the words and stuck them back together!

Here are some pictures of our learning today.

By Cally.

Friday 2 January 2015

Eggsellent Science

In the last week of the Autumn term Year 3-4 created an enquiry to discover which liquid caused the least damage to teeth. Using an egg to represent a tooth we used 6 glass jars, boiled eggs and different liquids we stored these for a week. These included orange juice, water, milk, coke, vinegar and orange squash with sweetner.

The children discovered that the vinegar and coke changed the colour of the eggs to brown with a film over it. The orange juice had a sticky film and the orange squash broke the shell and left a white residue. Only the milk and water left the eggs undamaged.

Below are pictures of the children observing and discovering the effects.
